Summer Solstice Celebration

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On The Hill, Oxen Park Farm, Lower Ashton, , Exeter, Devon

Celebrate Midsummers Night at the picturesque venue ‘On The Hill’ in South Devon. Our a family-friendly event designed to fill your hearts with joy, magic, and a sense of community spirit, amidst stunning natural surroundings.


★ 'Love Said To Me' - Sacred Music & Rumi Poetry Kirtan Concert - A collaborative project by Elise & Charlie Premanjali and Ellaya Ayal Mor. Together, they weave the words of Sufi poets Rumi and Hafiz with heart-opening mantras and sacred songs to create a magical experience of devotional music and heart opening poetry that conveys Love’s eternal message.

★ Ecstatic Dance - Get ready to groove to the beats of DJ Lord Of Celebration as he blends world fusion, hip hop, and house music from Brasil, Africa, and Europe. Let your spirit dance freely and connect with the Summer Solstice energy on the dance floor.

★ Captivating Storytelling - Immerse yourself in the family friendly captivating tale ‘Molly’s Treasure Hunt’ shared by Leo & Sundara Sofer that will transport you to magical realms and ignite your imagination.

★ Ceremonial Cacao - Experience the richness of ceremonial cacao, a sacred drink known for its heart-opening properties.

★ Delicious Food - Delicious vegan/veggie dinner & dessert that will tantalise your taste buds and nourish your soul.

♥ 1 tree will be planted with your booking!

♥ Further information can be found in the EVENTS section of our website.

Adult Super Early Bird Ticket: £50 | Full Price Ticket £70 - Kids under 12 FREE (just pay for their food).